9/11 Not an “Intelligence Failure”
New video on the Real News Network demonstrates that the official line that the 9/11 attack was in part due to intelligence failures was in fact entirely false as the Bush Administration had numerous warnings prior to the...
Gizmodo Trashes Carl Sagan’s Son As 9/11 Truther
Mainstream tech blog Gizmodo decided again to dump on 9/11 truth, covering a recent interview of Carl Sagan's son Jeremy in which he expresses skepticism toward the official account of the September 11th attacks. While other outlets picked up on the story few were as snarky and dismissive as Gizmodo,...
New Light Cast on Secret Pages of 9/11 Report
New claims by the "20th hijacker" Zacarias Moussaoui of Saudi Arabian involvement in financing the 9/11 attacks have increased pressure on the intelligence community to release the 28 redacted pages of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the September 11th attacks....
The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11
A mainstream news story about the CIA deciding not to pursue the 9/11 hijackers despite serious warning from the FBI. While shrugging off deeper skepticism, this story does promote interest in the facts surrounding the attacks. 9/11 truth advocates may view this as limited hangout journalism that is intended to...
We Were Lied To About 9/11
Jon Gold continues to inspire and educate interviewing prominent advocates for 9/11...
Massie: Declassify Redacted 9/11 Report Pages
In March Benswann.com reported that Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Walter Jones (R-NC), and Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA), , along with families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, 2001, urged the president to declassify 28 pages from the 9/11 congressional investigation report, providing more information to the general...
Renewed Effort To Declassify Key Portion Of 9/11 Report
Joining member of Congress, family members of 9/11 victims urged the Obama Administration to declassify previously secret portions of the Congressional investigation into the September 11th attacks and reveal more truth about what happened on that day. Educated speculation, informed by leaks from those familiar with 28 pages redacted from...
New NSA Documents: 9/11 "Attacks Were Imminent"
With a new release of more than 120 official intelligence documents concerning the 9/11 attacks it becomes even more clear that the Bush Administration had very strong cause to anticipate the 9/11 attacks. Documents included clearly suggests that the 'attacks were imminent,' calling into question claims by the Bush Administration...
More 9/11 Airplane Debris Discovered
It was wedged in a narrow, inaccessible space between two buildings, about three blocks from the World Trade Center site. And there it remained, hidden from view, for more than 11 years. Ground zero slowly gave way to a new tower. Protesters gathered nearby, angry over a planned Islamic center....
Rachel Maddow Trashes 9/11 Truth
In this clip Rachel Maddow trashes conspiracy capitalist Alex Jones for his speculation about the motive and operation behind the Boston bombings. In the process Maddow decides to very casually and unfairly dismiss 9/11 truth by promoting the work of debunkers and by having on the show a victims widow...