"9/11 Conspiracy Roadtrip" – A Participant's Perspective
Hello, my name is Emily Church and I am a mute.
Well, according to the masters of propaganda at the BBC/Renegade Productions.
This summer I participated in a BBC hit piece on 9/11, entitled “Conspiracy Roadtrip”. The premise is simple: five non-believers of the official story journey across the east coast of the USA in search of the truth. On the way we meet “experts” and victims of the attacks, guided by “comedian” Andrew Maxwell who believes the 9/11 commission report was the be all and end all of the 9/11 story.
The show aired a few hours ago and I felt compelled to write my version of what happened on that 8 day roadtrip, to give you the perspective you were not shown by BBC 3.
Firstly, I must tip my hat to them. They did a wonderful editing job. Anyone who has ever had a conversation with me or knows me personally will be very much aware of my opinions re: 9/11, and how outspoken I am about them. However, on this show I appear to be pretty much silent the entire way through.
I wasn’t.
Throughout my time on the show I asked question after question. I asked every single person we met whether they believed the official story to be true and the vast majority of them said no. Ask yourselves this question: why has the footage of us meeting Tom Owen, a voice analyst who worked on the Osama Bin Laden “confession” tapes, been cut completely? There is a simple answer. Because he told us not to believe the official report. Why? Because we aren’t in the “need-to-know” category, his words, not mine. Throughout our entire meeting with Tom Owen it was pretty much clear that the director of the show wasn’t happy with his take. Like most of our meetings with “experts” she would try and steer the conversation in a direction that would better fit her hit piece.
I’d also like to ask why footage of [FAA National Operations Manager] Ben Sliney saying that someone needs to be held accountable for 9/11 was cut? Surely that’s something that the TV license paying public should be able to see? But no, it didn’t fit their requirements for the perfect hit piece.
On the journey I was one of the most vocal contributors, consistently asking questions and receiving no answers whatsoever. I wonder why? Is it completely out of this world to assume that the answers to my questions might have made the truth about 9/11 a little too clear to the viewer? Is it a ridiculous conspiracy theory to assume that the reason the BBC turned me into a mute was to create a biased hit-piece? As with most 9/11 “conspiracy” documentaries, they focused on mostly debunkable theories such as no plane hit the Pentagon and fake phone calls. In other words, shit that pushes us further away from real truth and accountability. They also did a great job at making it seem like I believed most of these theories. I’ll freely admit that before I went on the show I was a “9/11 was an inside job” sort of girl. Hell, I even have a t-shirt from infowars.com. Yes that’s right, I knowingly gave money to Alex Jones.
Before I went on the show I had an epiphany of sorts. I realized that all evidence points to a plane hitting a Pentagon, that maybe the twin towers and Building 7 weren’t a controlled demolition and maybe Dick Cheney and co hadn’t plotted the whole thing with fake hijackers. Now I don’t know what is true and what isn’t. I am not 100% convinced about controlled demolition but it is a distinct possibility. I just decided to focus on the other, less spoken about side of 9/11. The fact that with multiple warnings, the US failed to prevent an attack on their own shores. The fact that so many people have been gagged from talking about 9/11 and revealing information they might know. The fact that the 9/11 commission report, by it’s own ADMISSION was set up to fail. These are just a few of the facts that I brought up on the show. Were they shown? No.
I made it very clear, before I went to the US, that I thought these theories can sometimes be harmful to our chances of ever getting a new investigation into 9/11. I asked repeatedly to speak to some sort of government representative, someone who I could ask my questions to. And despite being told I would get to speak to someone, alas that time never came.
So tonight I watched the show and saw no effort on the BBC’s part to differentiate myself from these theories. In fact, they made it look like these theories were actually my own. As you will see if you watch the show, they told me to ask about airport security, yet they cut out clips of me asking why the hijackers weren’t prevented from entering the country. I asked why, with all of the foreknowledge that the US had, were precautions not taken to protect the innocent American people that tragically lost their lives. I didn’t get an answer.
In ten years, not one person has been held accountable for the events of 9/11, when it is now so evident that the attacks could have been prevented. Hell, even Ben Sliney said that the attacks could’ve been prevented. Why are we so comfortable with letting people get away with this? And why, after ten years, are people that dare to question the official story still painted as conspiracy theorists? Hasn’t it been proven, time and time again, that elements of the US administration covered up their criminal involvement in 9/11?
Interestingly, the whole show seemed to be centered around Charlotte, trying to portray her as something she isn’t. The editing was truly phenomenal. Here we have a typical conspiracy theorist, unwilling to listen to anyone else’s point of view and adamant that she is right. That’s not how it was. They also included an argument that Charlotte and I had and took it completely out of context. They failed to include the fact that we made up shortly afterwards, with me apologizing to her. It made me quite angry to see vicious comments about her, considering the fact that she is a friend of mine and one of the people I have stayed in most contact with after the show. Yes, I may disagree with her on some points, but that is the great thing about being able to formulate our own opinions. Charlotte and I are united on the fact that 9/11 desperately needs a new investigation. Please don’t fall for the BBC’s clever editing trick, she is not a bad person and the show misrepresented her entirely.
The same goes for Rodney, the other person I have stayed in contact with since being in the US. Again, we may not agree on everything and we have our differences, but in my experience with him he is a rational and down to earth person. Maybe we should all remember that this was a well-crafted hit piece and the editing was designed to generate ill-feeling towards Rodney and Charlotte, the most head-strong people on the show (along with myself, obviously).
And here we reach Andrew Maxwell, the Irish comedian who consistently ridiculed us and walked away in the middle of debates. See, the BBC don’t want you to know that he complained throughout the entire shoot, laughed about us behind our backs and on more than one occasion said that he wished he’d never signed on to do the show. He’s not a bad person. He was there trying to make some money, we were there trying to get some truth. It’s as simple as that.
Personally, I’m disgusted at the documentary and I think participating in the show will always be one of my biggest regrets. But at the same time, I feel pretty lucky that I got to meet the people I did and ask the questions that I did, even though they weren’t included in the show. It saddens me that I look like a dumb student who doesn’t know a thing about 9/11 and it angers me that I barely have a voice in the entire 60 minutes that the show runs for.
Overall the experience was an interesting one, but one I wouldn’t do again. Imagine intense heat, stuck on a bus all day with cameras shoved in your face, 12 hour filming days, early mornings and emotional breakdowns. It was intense to say the least.
There are a lot more grievances I have with the show but that’s something I will write about another day. Now, it’s time to get some sleep and try to find hope in the fact that I know what happened on the 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip, I know what I said and I know the answers I got.
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What a disgusting sham that show was! I thought my Fiance was gonna smash the TV with a sledgehammer. It was pretty obvious it was heavily edited, total BS from Auntie Beeb. Charlie Feitch was a total let down too, how could someone with his knowledge be so freaking duped by lego bricks. But we are not alone, no matter how they try to make us look our numbers are growing and pushing weak ass crap that doesn’t explain anything just proves how they have resorted to clutching at straws.
I work in media/ production and I know the power of the edit all to well. I also have been very interested in 911 over the last 10 years and have accumulated most of the theories and ‘facts’ both for and against. I do not confess to know the truth and am pretty much 50/50 on it all.
Whilst watching this I did get a very uneasy feeling and started to feel angry. As I have said I have always stated I am 50/50 on it all so therefore I have never had a vested interest in not being right or looking silly.
SO many ‘theories’/ ‘facts’ were left out of this and it seemed a complete hit piece aimed at a very particular demographic.
For those that saw it I will list a few of the things not raised (or not shown in the edit):
Nano/ super Thermite is very different from Thermite.
The security firm removed all sniffer dogs from the building a week before.
There WERE reports of strange work going on late in the night and at weekends in WTC leading up to Sept 11.
Al Qaeda was pretty much set up, radicalized and funded by the CIA and the international Elitists/ banking families seem (from what I can tell and from simply applying Occams razor) to have an overall control of the CIA (and the BBC!).
Concentrating on 911 alone when trying to understand why such a thing would be orchestrated by ‘them’ is shortsighted and will lead you round in circles. Try and step further away and see the much bigger picture – over a longer timeline.
I genuinely hope that the part of me that believes there are no conspiracies amongst those who might have formed a secret ‘club(s)’. What I do always say though is that if an Alien came to our planet and observed human nature and was then told that over the 2000 + years of civilization no such hidden ‘club(s)’ had formed I think they would say “that honestly has never occurred to anyone!?”
I’m not a believer of the ‘911 truth’ story, and personally I find it to be -generally- ridiculous.
I do think it’s important things like this are questioned though, and I’d never attempt to change someone’s mind on what their beliefs are. I think the ‘truthers’ and the people that think the official story is more likely, can both agree that people believe what they want to in the end, you can put whatever ‘evidence’ you want in front of someone but if they have firm beliefs on what they think happened, it won’t do any good.
I’m not an expert so I do defer to people who I believe know what they’re talking about.
The buildings falling did look similar to a controlled demolition.
It does seem like amateur pilots wouldn’t be able to hit a target like the WTC at such speed.
It does seem like everything went a bit too smoothly.
+ the 100’s of other things people have thought up.
I enjoyed the program. It doesn’t surprise me that it was heavily edited and I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t an accurate portrayal of your trip.
I find the hardcore 911 conspiracy people very interesting…these people are often into many more conspiracy theories like NWO, poison water supply with fluoride etc. There’s also lots of rational, logical people who take up question with the official story and as I said above I think it’s a good thing.
“I find the hardcore 911 conspiracy people very interesting… these people are often into many more conspiracy theories like NWO, poison water supply with fluoride etc. ”
Me too, specially the ones that came up with the conspiracy theory where 19 bearded hijackers have managed to kidnap 4 planes, complete with crew and passengers. They scheduled with military accuracy 4 attacks from the caves of Afghanistan, it turns out that 2 planes hit towers that fall straight down, as if nothing was supporting them anymore. Then one plane crashed, because the brave passengers were rebelling against the terrorists. A 3rd tower fell straight down, we don’t know why. Then also a plane hit the pentagon.
Stupid folk that believe conspiracies…..
@Chrismp ” I’m not a believer of the ’911 truth’ story, and personally I find it to be -generally- ridiculous.” ……….. “Just a guess – and I’m NO expert!”
You do not have to be an expert……. for heavens sake. Just a little common sense!
“with all of the foreknowledge that the US had, were precautions not taken to protect the innocent American people that tragically lost their lives. I didn’t get an answer.”
Just a guess – and I’m NO expert!
Maybe because they receive a torrential flood of intelligence every single day. It would be interesting to know how often they receive intel that had turned out to be false…I’d guess many thousands of times. Also the fact that nothing like this had happened since the Pearl Harbour, would have possibly left a certain arrogance that this couldn’t happen.
Just realized this blog is moderated…it’ll be interesting to see whether my posts are allowed or not, seeing as I have a different opinion than many of you.
I applaud you for going on the hit piece any way and it was a good experience to see how lies are perpetuated by scumbags working for major propaganda platforms. In future do the Alex Jones method and tell them you’re not interested in being part of a hit piece. He who controls the editing controls the story and anything you say can and will be used against you int he court of public opinion.
Let’s have the truth shall we? No mention of Charlie Veitch in this article I presume it’s because you don’t want to get involved in the nastiness of it. Good on you!
I’ve called him out and gotten abusive swearing emails from him when I was acting like any mate would when they see their friends in the wrong. I don’t believe 9/11 was an inside job, but I don’t believe it’s not either!
Why Charlie became so abusive to truthers after this road trip I do not know.
I’ve made 2 videos discussing this if you care to see,
Charlie Veitch attacks conspiracy theorists, Why? MR NEWS
Charlie Veitch, why is he acting like an a**hole? MR NEWS
We observed a moment of silence for the families and first responders at our 9/11 truth action to remember their courage and remember their loved ones who live on with a heart heavy from crimes covered up by the very people supposed to protect them!
Thanks all, and I hope we get to the truth of this before it becomes resigned as official history forever.
Vinny “MR NEWS” Eastwood
“Andrew Maxwell who believes the 9/11 commission report was the be all and end all of the 9/11 story.”
And people like that call me a conspiracy theorist? I have no idea who is actually behind all the planning and execution of those terrible attacks on September 11th 2001. What I do know is neither do most other people including the members of the 9/11 commission. How do I know? Well it is NOT due to a conspiracy theory. I know because the authors of that report, the commission members, including, but not limited to, the co chairs and the chief legal council to the commission have all come out and distanced themselves from that report because “it is not the truth!”
That is their words, not mine.
SO, I am not telling anyone what really happened that day because I do not know. Thing is, nobody knows because the official report is not the truth, and is therefore just another conspiracy theory.
In fact every theory that exists in the public domain about 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Some contain more truth than others, but there is no definitive absolute proof of what happened that day, how and why, and it is a travesty that there isn’t.