9/11 Truth Has ALWAYS Been Non-Violent
In case you hadn’t noticed, the obvious campaign by the corporate media to paint anyone that questions the official account of 9/11 as a violent murderer has been stepped up a notch.
In the past, we’ve had people like Glenn Beck say that we love Holocaust Denying murderers (now he’s saying we are a “Recipe For Disaster“). The “Pentagon Shooter” was painted as a 9/11 Truther. Now, the recent Tucson shooter, and an Asset Manager have been painted as people on the side of 9/11 Justice. Just go to screwloosechange or Media Matters to see what the so-called “debunkers” are saying. They have gone to GREAT LENGTHS to help the media out with their campaign.
As I mentioned in my article The Facts Speak For Themselves, the corporate media has gone to great lengths to avoid anything having to do with real 9/11 Justice, and instead, has chosen to attack those seeking it. This is nothing new, but it must be addressed.
9/11 Truth or 9/11 Justice has ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS stood for non-violent action. This posting from 2006 at 911Truth.org entitled, “Now That You Know, What Can You Do?” talks about “Nonviolent Action.” A post of mine from 2007 entitled, “The 9/11 Truth Movement I Belong To…” says “the 9/11 Truth Movement I belong to is non-violent.” The 2008 Declaration for Standards and Strategies for 9/11 Truth specifically calls for “A dedication to rational, respectful, and nonviolent debate and activism.”
Let’s be very clear, Anyone who acts violently does NOT represent this cause.
No matter how many times the media say otherwise.
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. – Gandhi
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I have always been totally nonviolent and anti-war, and I used to be strongly in favor of gun control. But now that I have come to believe that thugs who killed 3000 American citizens in cold blood are running the country, it is very hard for me to continue to advocate gun control. To paraphrased the NRA “When guns are outlawed, only the criminals running the country will have guns”. I’m not getting a gun, but with the situation as it is, it is hard not to have some sympathy for those who feel they might need them someday to defend themselves from the thug police.
When is non-violence the right response to violence and when is it self-defense? I guess it depends on the situation. Generally I think it could be said that the State has overwhelming force and the idea that physical self-defense against it could ever be effective is probably a fantasy. If the police knock on my door (which they have) I’m not going to use a gun to defend myself, so why have one? Defeating the national security police state has to be a matter of the awakening of public consciousness to the facts of 9/11 and the cover-up that has been in place ever since. Gun-owners like Alex Jones look at the world differently, though, and they do not think that this act of violence by a nutcase who may have been a regular schizophrenic with mind control delusions or may have been deliberately manipulated by actually existing mind controllers, should be should be a reason for the government they so deeply distrust for such good reason to restrict their access to guns. But if they do come for Alex, he won’t be using those guns. He’ll be yelling as loud as he can up to the second they shut off his microphone.
9/11 Truth is non-violent. Period.
Alex Jones is NOT non-violent. Promoting fantasies about armed resistance against the police state is NOT non-violent. Waving a gun around, wild eyed, talking about what would happen if anyone tried to take his gun, is NOT non-violent. It’s inflammatory, irresponsible, and has nothing at all to do with 9/11 Truth.
And Alex Jones is NOT a leader of the 9/11 Truth Movement. Alex Jones cares about many things of varying relevance and validity. And 9/11 Truth simply can’t grow in association with less factual concerns. Alex Jones consistently blurs the line between fact and speculation. For that reason he is no leader of this movement, even as the mainstream media finds it useful to paint him in that role as they trash us.
A debate about gun control is off topic to this post. But generally, I don’t think 9/11 is a good reason to start believing that guns make you safer from the police state, or safer at all in any way.
9/11 Truth is non-violent. Other movements may be different. But 9/11 Truth simply has nothing to do with violence.