9/11 Truth News welcomes sincere questions and comments about stories that might enhance or draw from their educational value. Comment threads on 9/11 Truth News will be strictly moderated, edited, and swept of trivia.
9/11 Truth News Supports Your Curiosity
Sincere curiosity from those new to the subject is very welcome here. Answering sincere questions is what this movement is largely about. However, the editors caution that online discussion is not the best way to learn about this subject. We encourage people to answer their own questions by reading some of the core documents and analysis that constitute the foundation of this movement. Please visit our RESOURCES section to find out more about the issue or before commenting. We want people to make up their own minds with only the best information.
Comments to 9/11 Truth News Focus On Education And Outreach
Comments from those more familiar with the subject should be strictly intended to add educational value to our posts and reflect an awareness of this site’s intent to reach an unfamiliar audience. Please stay on topic, avoid extended debate and keep speculation to a minimum. For more information about what is on topic at this site please refer to our ABOUT page.
If you would like to comment please REGISTER. Your first comment will require moderator approval.
Rather than commenting on site moderation, please CONTACT us.
Specific Commenting Guidelines
1) Comments that we welcome will include:
- Logic, skepticism and humility
- Information, insight and thoughtful opinion
- Constructive and concise critique
- References and links for further information
2) Comments we may edit include:
- Active links to sites the editors consider factually or morally irresponsible
- Full reposting of articles from other sites
- Formatting that impedes legibility
- Large images or too many
- Titles or paragraphs in all caps
3) Comments that we may delete include:
- Commercial promotion
- Personally directed obscenity
- Bigotry
- Unnecessary repetition
- Anything off topic to the post
- Anything filling space that’s not critical
- Discussion of comment moderation
4) Comments that may get you blocked:
- Threat of violence or expression of cultural prejudice
- Repeated disregard for comment moderation or site strategy
- Indication of fundamental hostility toward the movement or this website
5) Did we make the wrong call?
Moderating involves the occasional mistake. Specifically for 9/11 Truth News moderation involves decisions based on years of experience with the character and characters of the 911 truth movement. That can get tricky.
And so the moderators hope that most of you will bear with us as we maintain positive and educational commenting. We will make every effort to follow the guidelines above. If we edited or deleted your post and that decision seems arbitrary or contrary to the guidelines above, please CONTACT us.