Bitter Fight Over Zadroga 9/11 Compensation Act

WASHINGTON – Anger boiled over a risky plan to pass 9/11 legislation on Wednesday, with Republicans accusing Democrats of cowardice and Democrats crying politics. Democrats will try to pass the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act today – but they’re using a special rule that requires a two-thirds vote to pass. They say they need to because they fear Republicans would otherwise attach poisonous provisions to kill the bill – but few observers believe a two-thirds vote is possible.
See also:
GOP Opposes Medical Funding for 9/11 Victims
I was under the impression that the emergency teams who responded to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are considered American heroes.
The 9/11 Responder Bill … What Is It?
So, what actually happened with the squashed bill giving aid to 9/11 first responders and why were Rep. Anthony Weiner and Rep. Peter King arguing over it?: Our Insiders wanted to know what was in it and why it was killed, here is what our Brainroom came up with . . .
Playing Politics with 9/11
Why House Democrats Forced a 2/3 Majority Vote on 9/11 Responders Bill
Last night in the House, a bill to provide $7.4 billion in funding over 10 years to those whose health was affected by the World Trade Center attack got 255 votes–well above a simple majority. But the bill failed because Democrats suspended the rules, which denied the Republicans the chance to offer any amendments and required a 2/3 majority to pass.
Congress rejects Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
Congress turned thumbs down on the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act on Thursday night, raising doubts it will ever pass. Most Republicans refused to back the measure, calling it a “slush fund,” and saying it was another example of Democratic overreach and an “insatiable” appetite for taxpayers’ money.
9/11 Health Bill’s Defeat is a ‘Disgrace,’ Say First Responders, Local Pols
Allan Tannenbaum, a TriBeCa resident who documented first responder illnesses through a project called “9/11: Still Killing,” said he was “disgusted” with both parities. “I’m wondering what kind of country we live in where we can’t come together and do the right thing,” Tannenbaum said. “Congress passed huge bailouts of billions of dollars to banks, and yet they can’t find a way to provide health maintenance and monitoring?”
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