Cindy Sheehan: "I am a 9/11 truther"

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan has given support to the cause of 9/11 truth many times over the past few years but on the eve of the ninth anniversary, she made her position clearer than ever before. To an enthusiastic packed house at All Souls Church in New York City, Sheehan declared “I am a 9/11 truther. I do think it was an inside job.”
Sheehan lost her son Casey in the Iraq invasion and has since dedicated her life to ending war and injustice. She is most widely known for setting up camp on the edge of George W. Bush’s Texas property in 2005, demanding that the president answer one single question from a mother whose son died in the war.
Since that time, Sheehan has continued her activism. She is a fierce critic of the Obama administration’s continued occupations and drone attacks, and recently founded Peace of the Action to further her anti-war activities.
On Friday, in the crowded All Souls Church on the upper East Side of Manhattan, Sheehan spoke of many injustices related to the war, both at home and abroad. She spoke of being tear gassed and shot at with rubber bullets while protesting. She spoke of the recently reported “Kill Squad” in Afghanistan, where members of the US military collected the fingers of slaughtered civilians for souvenirs. “That’s not something new,” Sheehan said.
She urged the crowd to consider the lives of the Iraqi, Afghan and Pakistani people and said, “We’re the occupiers – it’s up to us to do something about it”.
When the topic turned to 9/11, Sheehan stated “I am a 9/11 truther.” She had to pause while the appreciative crowd cheered loudly and then said, “I do think it was an inside job. We just don’t know – I don’t know – how far inside it went. But, you know, I’m sure Dick Cheney had something to do with it.”
While not making it her main issue, Sheehan has spoken freely regarding her opinions on 9/11 truth over the past few years. She has offered her support to the 9/11 truth movement in various interviews and participated in conferences. Sheehan also serves as an adviser to the recently launched 9/11 Truth News (
Citing the 30,000 mostly young people who die each day from starvation, Sheehan left the crowd with this thought: “Every day, ten 9/11s occur around the world. It’s time to start acting locally, but thinking globally.”
VIDEO: Cindy Sheehan at All Souls Church
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I just LOVE this lady!!! She is so ‘right on target’ with everything she says, and now she’s a fellow Truther?!!!! I’m in 7th heaven!! I have also noticed quite a few of my “Code-Pink” friends are joining in with our local 9/11 Truth events. This movement is growing every day, I guess when you have truth on your side, (or the thirst for truth), you can’t loose!