Colorado Democratic Party Calls for Investigation of 9/11

The 2010 Colorado Democratic Party platform, approved by the 146 member platform committee states: “The Colorado Democratic Party calls for the establishment of a truly independent Grand Jury and public investigation in order to find the truth of the September 11, 2001 attacks.”
This controversial plank was added to the State Democratic Party Platform after evidence supporting the critical need for a new investigation was presented at several caucuses in 2004, 2008, and 2010.
The citizens who presented arguments for a new investigation at their precinct caucuses are signatories to the Architect and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization ( which calls for a new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
The quality of evidence contradicting the official 9/11 story is substantiated in part by the 2010 Platform Committee Chairman Hal Bidlack’s statement: “ ….this platform represents the consensus of the 2010 Platform Committee, guided by the results of county assemblies across our state. The folks who worked tirelessly on the Committee can rightly be proud of their efforts, and deserve our special thanks.” (Bidlack’s statement can be found on page one of the 2010 platform.)
In the upcoming Colorado election, Green Party U.S. Senatorial candidate Bob Kinsey and District One U.S. Representative candidate Gary Swing have publicly stated they would support a new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.
Clarifying information can be found at,,,,,, and
View the 2010 Colorado Democratic Party platform here.
Contact information:
Don Plummer 970-234-4430
Fran Shure 303-778-7511, 303-909-2053 cell
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