John Pilger on 9/11

At the 2010 Anarchist Bookfair in London there was a discussion with independent journalist and filmmaker John Pilger (which was recorded – listen below) and one of the questions from the audience was about the attacks on 9/11. The following is a transcript of the question and his reply:
Audience Question: “I would like to ask your views or theory that the US government was complicit in or even perpetrated the attacks on 9/11 to gain support for criminal [inaudible] Afghanistan and Iraq?”
John Pilger: “I think there is a lot of evidence that certain elements in the Bush administration, whether by intent or by or by their own arrogant incompetence, I don’t know, let things happen. I think there is enough evidence to…
We know the senior FBI people who gave warnings right throughout 2001. We know about the extraordinary inactivity by the NORAD aircraft on the day of September 11th. We know that Cheney was in charge of the White House on that day.
I think the most plausible is the “let it happen”, now at what stage it was let happen, I don’t know, I don’t know. But certainly that seems to me, the most plausible.
There is no doubt that 9/11 became the opportunity for a new “Cold War” basically, only called the “War on Terror”. But beyond that I wouldn’t want to…”
John Pilger on 9/11 by 9/11 Truth News
The image above was taken from an interview with John Pilger at the same event.
Thanks to Chris C and ZKT for the audio and transcription.
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