Judge: Silverstein Must Justify Blocking 9/11 Settlements

Developer Larry Silverstein must explain why he won’t let eight small uninsured businesses pocket settlements over their losses from the Sept. 11 terror attacks, a judge ordered today . . . The small businesses are set to receive less than 1 percent of a $1.2 billion deal that settled claims by dozens of plaintiffs who sued airlines and security firms over alleged negligence that let al Qaeda hijackers destroy the Twin Towers. Silverstein, who’s seeking $12 billion for his losses, didn’t join in the settlement, which he said was “shrouded in secrecy” and involved “collusive” deals by struck by insurers with interests on both sides of the table.
See also:
Another Rich Criminal Who Took You All For A Ride. (COMMENT)
“Fun Fact: everyone thinks Looney Giuliani moved the state of the art Emergency Management Command Center out of it’s free location in 1 POlice Plaza, into 7 WTC, (at a cost of tens of millions!) b/c he’s insane. WRONG. He moved it there b/c LARRY SILVERSTEIN (the owner of 7 WTC) couldn’t rent out two floors and was losing millions per year in rent.”
Silverstein’s Investigation
Owner’s Insurance Claim Investigation Blames Columns
“The Weidlinger study contrasts with the truss failure theory popularized by NOVA and the Discovery Channel by blaming fireproofing of columns instead of the floor trusses. By exonerating the flooring system, Silverstein’s study avoids charges that faulty construction played a role in the collapses.”
Owner’s Admission?
Silverstein’s Apparent Admission that Building 7 was Demolished
“Although many people are convinced that Silverstein’s statement is an admission that he and the fire department commander conspired to demolish the building, the statement fails to support a case for such a crime. ”
Controlling Interests
Ownership, Control, and Insurance of The World Trade Center
“After the attack, Silverstein Properties commenced litigation against its insurers, claiming it was entitled to twice the insurance policies’ value . . . In December 2004, a jury ruled in favor of the insurance holders’ double claim.”
Between September 1 and September 7, 2001: Silverstein Properties Takes over Control of the World Trade Center
“In the first week of September 2001, the real estate development and investment firm Silverstein Properties assumes control of the World Trade Center.”
August 23, 2001:
Former FBI Al-Qaeda Expert Begins Job as Head of Security at the WTC
“John O’Neill begins his new job as head of security at the WTC. . . . Developer Larry Silverstein, who recently took over the lease of the WTC, had been highly impressed with O’Neill but insisted he start in the post no later than the first week of September, when his firm Silverstein Properties is set to assume control of the buildings.”
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