Rep. Alan Grayson: Bush “Let It Happen”
“If we are going to talk about 9/11, why don’t we talk about how not so much the people who died on 9/11 were disgraced by the possibility of an Islamic athletic center several blocks away; how about the fact that they were disgraced by a president who let it happen?” he asked. “Who went on vacation for the entire month of August after he was warned in writing that Osama bin Laden was actually finding targets in NYC and learning how to take these planes and do terrible things with them? The thing itself said ‘hijacking’ and they did nothing about it.” …
The debate over a planned Islamic community center several blocks from New York City’s World Trade Center site is a “distraction,” according to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL).
Instead, the debate should shift in focus to an examination of the administration which “let it happen.”
‘It,’ of course, being the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The remark was made during a Friday appearance on MSNBC’s The Ed Show with former liberal talk radio host Ed Schultz.
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Letter-writers defend right to build mosque near 9/11 site
Giving in to 9/11 fears only propagates more of same
To the Editor:
As the mother of a victim of 9/11, I want to thank The Post-Standard for its reasoned stance on the controversy over the building of the mosque near Ground Zero.
As American people, we should welcome any structure that stands for reconciliation and understanding. We should take comfort in our Constitution and in our laws and trust that when we follow our principles, America, not just the land, but the concept, thrives.
When we give in to our fears and allow the horror of 9/11 to infuse our homeland with hate, we propagate that same horror over and over again, every day, from sea to shining sea.
Donna Marsh O’Connor
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows