10th Anniversary 9/11 Truth Hit Piece Roundup
With little regard for those family members of victims who question the official account of the 9/11 attacks, mainstream media news outlets have published over 30 inaccurate, derogatory, and stereotyping hit pieces in the 2 weeks leading up to the tenth anniversary of the attacks. Among the articles there are many common themes, sources, logical fallacies, and insults.
The Truth About Truthers
Jon Gold is the kind of guy journalists like to call “a man without a country.” He believes his actual country has covered up the true nature of its biggest tragedy. And the people you’d think would be his people, the truthers, he wants nothing to do with.
We're In a Lot of Trouble
Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye wrote a story that exposed a lie. If we ignore the easily documented lies, which incidentally help to give credibility to the idea that we were lied to about that day and need real justice and accountability, then we are doomed to fail as a cause. The 2,973 people that were brutally murdered that day, their family members, and the people of the world deserve better.
The Protocols of Jonathan Kay
Jonathan Kay never addresses the arguments of his interlocutors, because, he tells us late in the book, a New York City editor warned him that “Debunking books don’t sell.” It means Kay never has to address what he calls the “anomalies” in the official story of that day. We never learn why his interviewees are so head-shakingly wrong — they just are.
Senate Approves James Zadroga 9/11 Health Bill
WASHINGTON – To the ill and dying Americans who answered the call after 9/11: Merry Christmas, help finally is on the way. More than nine years after the worst foreign attack in U.S. history, the Senate voted unanimously Wednesday to pass the $4.3 billion James Zadroga Health and Compensation Act. It gives medical care and […]
911blogger.com Accused of "Working for the Other Side"
A small newspaper whose editors are apparently hardcore supporters of the discredited “flyover” theory have published an extreme hit piece attacking 911blogger.com – the most heavily trafficked 9/11 truth site – for allegedly censoring the theory. The 9/11 truth movement is all too familiar with these kinds of attacks, but this all-out assault of lies […]
O’Reilly: Muslims That Question 9/11 Could Be Terrorists
To Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, if a white person like former governor Jesse Ventura or former senator Mike Gravel questions the government’s recounting of the 9/11 attacks, he (or she) is a “pinhead.” But if a Muslim person questions the official story, well, that makes them a potentially dangerous “radical”. Meaning: “That guy shouldn’t […]
Will We Ever Learn The Truth About 9/11?
Ever since 9/11, readers keep asking me my views on these attacks. I have been barraged with emails until my head spins with engineering studies about melting steel, controlled explosions, claims about nefarious plots, and wreckage analysis. One of the most colorful theories comes from Gen. Hamid Gul, former director of Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI. […]
Mainstream Media Boycott for 9/11 Justice
An activist group is calling for a complete boycott of corporate mainstream media, starting on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. According the group’s facebook page, “Mainstream media networks have barely touched the surface of what happened… Through their negligence, they have made a mockery of the unanswered questions held by the victims’ families, and greatly […]