Sibel Edmonds on the 9/11 Taboo
Simply put, the motto on this issue has become: ‘Thou shall not mention 9/11 unless it is to advocate for bigger government and lesser liberties via fear mongering.’ All truth seekers, all critical thinkers, anyone who dares to point out major discrepancies has been placed in one bucket tagged as nut cases.
Response to Bill Moyers on 9/11 Truth
9/11 was the event that created the “Post-9/11 World.” If any information comes out that says we were lied to about that day, then that is essential, newsworthy information. Period. For some reason, our media doesn’t agree with me.
It is the media’s job to make sure citizens are aware of what’s going on in their country, and in the world. It is absolutely essential that we are an informed citizenry because if we aren’t, then we pay a huge price.
OBL: "Intimate Relations" With Elements of US
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