CNN: Left and Right Attack FOX Over 9/11 Truth
(CNN) – It’s rare that two media watchdogs – one on the left and one on the right – ever agree when it comes to assessing coverage on the cable news outlets. But both the conservative Newsbusters and liberal Media Matters are aiming fire at Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera and Judge Andrew Napolitano for recently […]
9/11 Families Demand Apology from Media Matters
Responding to a series of hit pieces by self-declared “media watchdog” website Media Matters, a public advocacy group representing 9/11 family members has demanded an apology.
NYCCAN, the group responsible for airing ads urging an investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7, has issued a statement applauding FOX News hosts Andrew Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera for their fair treatment of the subject and rebuking Media Matters and The Huffington Post for their biased coverage.
Bolling: "Your BS is hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones"
From Media Matters: Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano is drawing condemnation from colleague Eric Bolling for his belief that the government lied about the attacks on 9/11. Bolling — whose Fox Business show airs after Napolitano’s – wrote a separate post about the topic this morning, in which referenced Napolitano and called 9/11 Trutherism [sic] “BS” that is “hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones & co-workers. Go elsewhere.”
Olbermann: Fire Napolitano for 9/11 Comments
Judge Andrew Napolitano has taken his firebrand libertarian show, Freedom Watch, to the big leagues, anchoring the most expensive real estate on the Fox Business Network– and it took less than a month of free market values and government distrust for Keith Olbermann to be calling for his dismissal. The issue? Napolitano really doesn’t trust the government, whether it comes to taxes, social programs, or, uh, who was really behind 9/11.
Judge Napolitano for 9/11 Truth
Fox Business host and Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano on WTC 7:
“It’s hard for me to believe that it came down by itself… I am gratified to see that people across the board are interested. I think twenty years from now, people will look at 9/11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn’t possibly have been done the way the government told us.”