Actions of September 11
On the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, activists around the world took to the streets to honor the dead, to educate the public and to demand justice for the crimes of that day. Here is a look – in photographs, video and words – at the actions of September 11, 2010. Actions of […]
Cindy Sheehan: "I am a 9/11 truther"
Peace activist Cindy Sheehan has given support to the cause of 9/11 truth many times over the past few years but on the eve of the ninth anniversary, she made her position clearer than ever before. To an enthusiastic packed house at All Souls Church in New York City, Sheehan declared “I am a 9/11 […]
3rd Beam Lights Up NYC Skyline for WTC 7
At 9:11 pm on the 9th anniversary of the September attacks, the members of the 1280 strong Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth lit up the skies over Manhattan with a towering 2 billion-candlepower beam of light to raise public awareness that three, not just two, World Trade Center highrise buildings collapsed symmetrically at near […]
9th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks Welcomes “9/11 Truth News”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, September 9th, 2010 9th Anniversary of September 11th Attacks Welcomes 9/11 Truth News: A Website Focused on Responsible News and Information Not sure what to think about 9/11? Perhaps you’re curious, but you want to avoid the circus of conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation? Starting now, you can go to 9/11 […]
Mainstream Media Boycott for 9/11 Justice
An activist group is calling for a complete boycott of corporate mainstream media, starting on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. According the group’s facebook page, “Mainstream media networks have barely touched the surface of what happened… Through their negligence, they have made a mockery of the unanswered questions held by the victims’ families, and greatly […]
Truth Rising
On Saturday September 11th, 2010, 30+ arts and music venues in London will be holding events to raise awareness about the true nature of the events that changed the world 9 years ago. In light of two wars in the middle east and ever increasing restrictions on our civil liberties, understanding what happened on the […]
9 Years Later: Why 9/11 Truth Still Matters
On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that an estimated $2.3 Trillion in Pentagon spending was missing – and unaccounted for. One day later, on 9/11, the story also disappeared, along with any semblances of governmental accountability and journalistic integrity. In the wake of 9/11, America was a traumatized nation where asking difficult questions was […]
Five Years Later: What Have We Accomplished?
On the verge of the ninth anniversary of the attack, can we learn from the words of an activist as he contemplated the state of the movement four years ago? An Assessment of the 9/11 Truth Movement Five years ago – on my birthday – the shadow government of the United States murdered over 3,000 […]