9/11: Science and Society with Dr Steven Jones
Part One This powerful two hour high quality video presentation given by Professor Emeritus Physicist Dr Steven E. Jones issues a challenge to the world scientific community; a challenge to examine the evidence he and his peers have presented at The Journal of 9/11 Studies questioning the official explanation of the 9/11 events. Dr Jones […]
Why Australia's Presence in Afghanistan is Untenable
“The events of 11 September 2001 provided a nominal casus belli for the attack and occupation of Afghanistan, heavily promoted by the mainstream media, which particularly in the United States is closely linked to the major armaments manufacturers. The same mainstream media have uncritically accepted and promoted the US government’s version of events about 11 September 2001, not because that account is plausible, which it manifestly is not, but because to question the rationale for military intervention is to question the whole of post World War II US foreign policy. If US foreign policy is seriously flawed then that in turn must raise serious questions about the level and extent of Australia’s adherence to the policies of its powerful ally.”
From “Why Australia’s Presence in Afghanistan is Untenable” by James O’Neill – a new paper published at The Journal of 9/11 Studies.