Detailed Warning Ignored By Bush Administration
In a new Showtime documentary set to air this month George Tenet claims that the Bush Administration had even more clear warning of the 9/11 attack than previous revealed and that they took action to prevent those warnings from being revealed or acted upon. Take with a grain of salt.
The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11
A mainstream news story about the CIA deciding not to pursue the 9/11 hijackers despite serious warning from the FBI. While shrugging off deeper skepticism, this story does promote interest in the facts surrounding the attacks. 9/11 truth advocates may view this as limited hangout journalism that is intended to cover more disturbing facts, however any mainstream coverage for the facts serves to promote an acceptance of curiosity into the event.
Government Agents ‘Directly Involved’ In US Terror Plots
Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the “direct involvement” of government agents or informants, a new report says.
Some of the controversial “sting” operations “were proposed or led by informants”, bordering on entrapment by law enforcement. Yet the courtroom obstacles to proving entrapment are significant, one of the reasons the stings persist.
New NSA Documents: 9/11 "Attacks Were Imminent"
With a new release of more than 120 official intelligence documents concerning the 9/11 attacks it becomes even more clear that the Bush Administration had very strong cause to anticipate the 9/11 attacks. Documents included clearly suggests that the ‘attacks were imminent,’ calling into question claims by the Bush Administration that it had no advanced warning.
9/11 Warnings Revealed: CIA Reports Attack ‘Will Occur Soon’
In a scathing op-ed a New York Times writer reveals details of Presidential Daily Briefings before the 9/11 attacks that contained numerous, very specific warnings about an impending attack. The article reveals that the warnings were ignored and then after the attack suppressed by the Bush Administration from inclusion in the 9/11 Commission investigation and report.
'Underwear Bomber' Was Working for the CIA
A would-be “underwear bomber” involved in a plot to attack a US-based jet was in fact working as an undercover informer with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, it has emerged. The news that the individual at the heart of the bomb plot was in fact an informer for US intelligence is likely to raise just as many questions as it answers.
U.S. & U.K. Conceal Intelligence Failures Before 9/11
The US government shut down a series of court cases arising from a multimillion pound business dispute in order to conceal evidence of a damning intelligence failure shortly before the 9/11 attacks, MPs were told.
Moreover, the UK government is now seeking similar powers that could be used to prevent evidence of illegal acts and embarrassing failures from emerging in court, David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, told the Commons.
Health Workers Linked to CIA's bin Laden Kill Plot Fired
Seventeen local health workers have been fired in Abbottabad for their part in a CIA scheme to try to confirm the presence of Osama bin Laden in the northern Pakistani town. The low-ranking health department employees were punished for helping Dr Shakil Afridi, who was assigned by the CIA to set up a fake vaccination scheme in Abbottabad, ahead of the 3 May US military operation that found and killed the al-Qaida leader there.
Salon: Insiders Voice Doubts About CIA’s 9/11 Story
A growing number of former government insiders — all responsible officials who served in a number of federal posts — are now on record as doubting ex-CIA director George Tenet’s account of events leading up to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Among them are several special agents of the FBI, the […]
Slashdot: "Wiki Editor Helps Reveal Pre-9/11 CIA Mistakes"
Slashdot, the hugely popular technology site with a long history of opposition to 9/11 truth topics, has reported on Kevin Fenton’s discovery of the identity of Richard Blee, the CIA manager in charge of the unit where agents deliberately withheld information about two 9/11 hijackers from the CIA.