Racially Profiled, Detained and Strip Searched on 9/11
Silly me. I thought flying on 9/11 would be easy. I figured most people would choose not to fly that day so lines would be short, planes would be lightly filled and though security might be ratcheted up, we’d all feel safer knowing we had come a long way since that dreadful Tuesday morning 10 years ago.
But then armed officers stormed my plane, threw me in handcuffs and locked me up.
The Fruits of Elite Immunity
Less than three years ago, Dick Cheney was presiding over policies that left hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead from a war of aggression, constructed a worldwide torture regime, and spied on thousands of Americans without the warrants required by law, all of which resulted in his leaving office as one of the most […]
Answers in Absolute for "Why 9/11?"
For “some” reason I have been receiving more than a few eye-rolling responses when I mention our theme for the month leading up to September 11 – the tenth year. You and I know where the conscious but mostly subconscious eye-rolling and in some cases eye-aversion reactions come from. A very few bold ones are courageous enough to actually put this reaction into words. They ask “why can’t some people just let it go?” They comment, “enough already with this 9/11 subject!”
Bin Laden's Death Doesn't End His Fear-Mongering Value
Even in death, bin Laden continues to serve the valuable role of justifying always-increasing curtailments of liberty and expansions of government power.