Zacarias Moussaoui: What We Don’t Know Might Hurt Us
Wilshire’s role in the deliberate withholding of information from the FBI about Pentagon hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi makes his presence in the Moussaoui case alarming. This case was a significant stimulus for the reform of the US intelligence community. Without knowing what actually happened and why, we have no way of judging whether those reforms were warranted and appropriate. Perhaps it would have been better to fire those who performed badly, instead of promoting them.
Intel Experts on the Ever-Changing bin Laden Death Script
Last weekend Boiling Frogs Post contacted several independent sources and experts, and asked them for their straight-forward take on the absurdity-filled and ever-changing Bin Laden Death story. I say independent, because they are. As you’ll see these veterans and sources come from all different walks of Intelligence-Law Enforcement-Military, and as far as political orientation goes, they fall into every single category-liberal, conservative, libertarian and none. I want to thank them all for honoring the request given to them on extremely short notice, and for being honest, direct, commonsensical, and in some cases realistically humorous.
FBI Whistleblower: Wikileaks Could Have Prevented 9/11
A member of a group of former intelligence professionals that has rallied behind WikiLeaks suggested in a recent interview with Raw Story that the world would be a different and better place had the online secrets outlet come into existence years sooner. “If there had been a mechanism like Wikileaks, 9/11 could have been prevented,” Coleen Rowley, a former special agent/legal counsel at the FBI’s Minneapolis division, told Raw Story in an exclusive interview.
Paul Thompson on His Introduction To 9/11 Truth
“I first became deeply interested in 9/11 in May 2002, when a series of stories appeared suggesting that the Bush administration had received more warning before 9/11 than they had admitted. First, it was revealed that one month before 9/11, President Bush had received a memo entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Next, […]
Roseanne Barr For 9/11 Truth Part 2
Roseanne Barr further explored her interest in the 9/11 truth discussing the issue with former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and researcher and activist Jon Gold.
WikiLeaks and 9/11: What if?
If WikiLeaks had been around in 2001, could the events of 9/11 have been prevented? The idea is worth considering. The organization has drawn both high praise and searing criticism for its mission of publishing leaked documents without revealing their source, but we suspect the world hasn’t yet fully seen its potential. Let us explain. […]