New NSA Documents: 9/11 "Attacks Were Imminent"
With a new release of more than 120 official intelligence documents concerning the 9/11 attacks it becomes even more clear that the Bush Administration had very strong cause to anticipate the 9/11 attacks. Documents included clearly suggests that the ‘attacks were imminent,’ calling into question claims by the Bush Administration that it had no advanced warning.
Bush on 9/11: "We're Going to Kick Their Ass"
George Bush’s book explains why he opted to continue reading to Florida schoolchildren after being told of the 9/11 attacks. On the fateful September day nine years ago, Bush’s first inkling of the unfolding tragedy came as he walked into a classroom in Florida to read to a group of young children. “On the short […]
Protesting Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice is greeted at her piano performance for Aretha Franklin by a few people not wanting to let Rice escape responsibility for the many lies she has told to congress and the American public.