An Interview with Physicist David Chandler
Visibility 9/11 presents an interview with physicist David Chandler who has just released his 9/11 Analysis dvd. Chandler talks with host John Bursill about his part in getting the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to admit that WTC 7 fell at a an acceleration consistent with freefall, about the need for 9/11 truth and justice and the importance of not becoming the “what hit the Pentagon” movement. Download mp3
The Pentagon: A Joint Statement by Chandler and Cole
The CIT videos don’t qualify as scientific studies. Their witnesses are not representative of the overall eyewitness pool, the witnesses accounts are far from contemporaneous with the events, and the conversational style of the interviews frequently leads the witnesses. Who knows what conversations preceded the videotaped interviews to either shape or filter the testimonies? The “researchers” ignore the fact that none of their witnesses directly confirms their primary hypothesis: a Pentagon flyover.
WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions
In this video, David Chandler examines what may be the sounds of explosions during the destruction of WTC Building 7. The evidence appears compelling and chilling. Chandler also explains the important point of how NIST sidestepped investigating explosions and explosives by “setting up an artificially high threshold of interest”. He points out that they ignored […]