Bob Graham Pursues Claims of Saudi Ties to Sept. 11 Attacks
Senator Bob Graham continues to ask questions about the 28 pages redacted from the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. The Senator asserts that the FBI is covering up the connection between the attacks and the Saudi Arabian government.
The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11
A mainstream news story about the CIA deciding not to pursue the 9/11 hijackers despite serious warning from the FBI. While shrugging off deeper skepticism, this story does promote interest in the facts surrounding the attacks. 9/11 truth advocates may view this as limited hangout journalism that is intended to cover more disturbing facts, however any mainstream coverage for the facts serves to promote an acceptance of curiosity into the event.
Government Agents ‘Directly Involved’ In US Terror Plots
Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the “direct involvement” of government agents or informants, a new report says.
Some of the controversial “sting” operations “were proposed or led by informants”, bordering on entrapment by law enforcement. Yet the courtroom obstacles to proving entrapment are significant, one of the reasons the stings persist.
FBI Blocks 9/11 Whistleblower's Book
A lawyer for FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds said Tuesday the bureau’s prepublication review office has adopted overly expansive restrictions that are preventing Edmonds from publishing a book about her life at the FBI. Edmonds, once a contract linguist at the bureau, was fired a decade ago after complaining to FBI managers about shoddy wiretap translations […]
U.S. & U.K. Conceal Intelligence Failures Before 9/11
The US government shut down a series of court cases arising from a multimillion pound business dispute in order to conceal evidence of a damning intelligence failure shortly before the 9/11 attacks, MPs were told.
Moreover, the UK government is now seeking similar powers that could be used to prevent evidence of illegal acts and embarrassing failures from emerging in court, David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, told the Commons.
Stratfor Emails: Bin Laden Brought to US Before Sea Burial
In several of the latest emails to emerge from Wikileaks’ Global Intelligence Files release, Stratfor CEO George Friedman and Vice President of Intelligence Fred Burton speculate on the fate of Osama bin Laden’s corpse, with Burton suggesting that a sea burial wasn’t likely [“I don’t see the FBI nor DOJ letting that happen”] and then later confidently stating that the body was being transferred to Dover, Delaware and then on to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda, Maryland. [Email 1097638 | Email 1102718]
In another email 10 hours later, Burton indicates that the body was in fact buried at sea:
Stratfor: Imam of "Ground Zero Mosque" is an FBI Asset
One of the first juicy bits to trickle out of Wikileaks release of 5 million Stratfor emails is the comment from Fred Burton, Stratfor’s Vice President of Intelligence, that the Imam of the controversial so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” is an “FBI operational asset.” Burton, who was formerly a special agent with the US State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service and the Deputy Chief of their counterterrorism division, made the comment on an email chain regarding a New York Observer article, Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque.
Graham: FBI Statements Conflict with 9/11 Probe
Former Florida Senator Bob Graham has seen two classified FBI documents that he says raise new questions about the Bureau’s once secret investigation of a possible Saudi support operation for the 9/11 hijackers in Sarasota. Graham would not disclose the content of the documents, which are marked “Secret,” but said the information they contain is at odds with the FBI’s public statements that there was no connection between the hijackers and Saudis then living in Sarasota.