Who Funds Muslim-Baiting in the US?
The report, “Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” demonstrates that a small group of self-proclaimed experts (Frank Gaffney, David Yerushalmi, Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, and Steve Emerson) backed by a host of foundations and donors (many of which also fund the lobby) have put Islamophobia on the map.
To put it simply, without these “experts,” their donors, and Fox News (their media mouthpiece) you would never have heard that a Muslim community center (the “Ground Zero Mosque”) was being constructed in New York City. And the center certainly would not have become a major news story. Nor would Republican (and even a few Democratic) candidates for president, Congress, and even village councils be called upon to condemn Islam and “Sharia Law” or face being labeled a supporter of terrorism. Nor would Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum have made hatred of American Muslims such an integral part of their campaigns.
Thoughts on FOX News Special "The Secrets of 9/11"
At the end of the report, the Fox News reporter said, “there are strong reasons to look back, and continue the investigation into the secrets of 9/11.” I couldn’t agree more.
Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11
“A decade after the attacks of 9/11, questions remain about who was involved in the terror plot against America. As we show in this program, there are compelling reasons to continue to investigate the largest attack on American soil and the secrets of 9/11.”
Geraldo: All Recent Terror Plots Are Fake
Geraldo Rivera explains to Bill O’Reilly the FBI’s role in recent terror plots.
Bolling: "Your BS is hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones"
From Media Matters: Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano is drawing condemnation from colleague Eric Bolling for his belief that the government lied about the attacks on 9/11. Bolling — whose Fox Business show airs after Napolitano’s – wrote a separate post about the topic this morning, in which referenced Napolitano and called 9/11 Trutherism [sic] “BS” that is “hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones & co-workers. Go elsewhere.”
Olbermann: Fire Napolitano for 9/11 Comments
Judge Andrew Napolitano has taken his firebrand libertarian show, Freedom Watch, to the big leagues, anchoring the most expensive real estate on the Fox Business Network– and it took less than a month of free market values and government distrust for Keith Olbermann to be calling for his dismissal. The issue? Napolitano really doesn’t trust the government, whether it comes to taxes, social programs, or, uh, who was really behind 9/11.
Judge Napolitano for 9/11 Truth
Fox Business host and Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano on WTC 7:
“It’s hard for me to believe that it came down by itself… I am gratified to see that people across the board are interested. I think twenty years from now, people will look at 9/11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn’t possibly have been done the way the government told us.”
Geraldo: "Much More Open-Minded" About 9/11
A new television ad campaign featuring the family members of 9/11 victims has succeeded in garnering what 9/11 activists have lacked for years: serious treatment in the mainstream media. Granted, that media was Fox News host Geraldo Rivera, who in a former iteration ran a Jerry Springer-like daytime talk show. Still, at the end of his serious-yet-brief treatment of questions surrounding the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7, pictured), Rivera admitted that the activists had made him “much more open minded” about questions surrounding 9/11. And all it took was the proper message.
Geraldo Rivera Focuses on World Trade Center 7
The questions surrounding the destruction of World Trade Center 7 got a prime time airing tonight on FOX News. Host Geraldo Rivera talked to 9/11 family member Bob McIlvaine and engineer Tony Szamboti about the apparent controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the recent “Building What?” ad campaign in NYC. Rivera, who told a rowdy […]