The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11
A mainstream news story about the CIA deciding not to pursue the 9/11 hijackers despite serious warning from the FBI. While shrugging off deeper skepticism, this story does promote interest in the facts surrounding the attacks. 9/11 truth advocates may view this as limited hangout journalism that is intended to cover more disturbing facts, however any mainstream coverage for the facts serves to promote an acceptance of curiosity into the event.
Renewed Effort To Declassify Key Portion Of 9/11 Report
Joining member of Congress, family members of 9/11 victims urged the Obama Administration to declassify previously secret portions of the Congressional investigation into the September 11th attacks and reveal more truth about what happened on that day. Educated speculation, informed by leaks from those familiar with 28 pages redacted from the report suggested the involvement of Saudi Arabian nationals.
Graham: FBI Statements Conflict with 9/11 Probe
Former Florida Senator Bob Graham has seen two classified FBI documents that he says raise new questions about the Bureau’s once secret investigation of a possible Saudi support operation for the 9/11 hijackers in Sarasota. Graham would not disclose the content of the documents, which are marked “Secret,” but said the information they contain is at odds with the FBI’s public statements that there was no connection between the hijackers and Saudis then living in Sarasota.
London-based Oil Executive Linked to 9/11 Hijackers
A Saudi Arabian accused of associating with several of the September 11 hijackers and who disappeared from his home in the United States a few weeks before the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, is in London working for his country’s state oil company.
Ten Years On, Details of 9/11 Cover-Up Released
This August, filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy released a previously unseen 2009 interview with the former counterterrorism czar of the Bush and Clinton administrations, Richard Clarke. In the interview, Clarke accuses the former director of the CIA, George Tenet, and two of his aides of covering up the presence of two suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in the US for more than a year.
Kristen Breitweiser on The CIA Cover-Up
“When one carefully reads the 9/11 chronology and information provided in the public record, it becomes increasingly clear that the CIA’s repeated failure to share information with the FBI about two of the 9/11 hijackers–al Mihdhar and al Hazmi–was purposeful. There exists at least seven instances between January 2000 and September 11th, 2001, that the […]
9/11 Was Not A Muslim Crime
“Muslims did kill us on 9/11, and there is a Muslim problem in the world. If you want to walk away from that truth, I can’t stop you. But a better strategy would be for all of us to acknowledge the danger coming out of the Muslim world and work together to mitigate it.” – […]