Media Roots Interviews Jon Gold
Media Roots interviews Jon Gold about the most pressing and factual points of interest that continue to motivate those who pursue the truth about the 9/11 attacks. With a strict focus on documentary evidence and the historical record, Jon Gold continues to make the case for 9/11 truth without reference to more controversial speculation.
9/11 Truther: The Fight for Peace, Justice and Accountability
Longtime 9/11 activist and 9/11 Truth News contributor Jon Gold has released his autobiographical book 9/11 Truther: The Fight for Peace, Justice and Accountability. “9/11 Truther is the story of an everyday American who saw that something was wrong with what we were told about 9/11, and tried to do something about it.” The book features a foreword by peace activist Cindy Sheehan and is currently available on Amazon.
My Hopes For The Occupy Movement
I would like to say that I am proud of everyone that has made it to the streets with Occupy Wall Street. For quite a while now, Cindy Sheehan, myself, and others, through our organization “Peace of the Action,” have been trying to get people to put their bodies on the “gears of the machine.” […]
Activist Spotlight: 9/11 Researcher Jon Gold
I first began following Jon Gold’s (@911JusticeNow) work in late 2003. The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the subsequent invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq galvanized me from apathy to a newfound political consciousness, and I soon discovered his work on one of the first websites questioning the official theory of 9/11. What impressed me about his research was that he was deeply committed to using verifiable facts found in mainstream news articles and reports. But perhaps what stands out most about his activism is his unwavering support for the first responders. He was made “Honorary Director” of the FealGood Foundation. He describes himself as “an American trying to make a difference.”
Jon Gold's C-SPAN Collection
For the last year or so, one of my “pet projects” has been to search the video archives of C-SPAN for statements made about different people, different events, and make short movies out of them. They cover a multitude of topics, including NORAD’s response, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the Israeli Art Students, Saudi Arabia, and many others. Here is my C-SPAN Movie Collection, in the order they were created.
The Truth About Truthers
Jon Gold is the kind of guy journalists like to call “a man without a country.” He believes his actual country has covered up the true nature of its biggest tragedy. And the people you’d think would be his people, the truthers, he wants nothing to do with.
9/11 Truth News Included in Facebook's Political Censorship
Facebook has apparently implemented a new political censorship regimen, under the rubric of fighting spam. Either that, or their spam filter is in drastic need of overhaul.
On Monday, August 15, 9/11 Truth News contributor Jon Gold received a message from facebook informing him that his ability to post content to any page other than his own had been disabled. When attempting to add supplemental information to Naomi Wolf’s posting of Jason Leopold’s Richard Clarke article, Gold was informed by a pop up message:
Jon Gold Interviews Scott Ford at Ground Zero
Scott Ford is one of the editors of 9/11 Truth News and has designed websites for Cindy Sheehan’s Peace of the Action, Sibel Edmond’s Boiling Frogs Post and Visibility 9-11. Jon Gold interviewed Scott at Ground Zero in New York City on July 30, 2011.
Questions and Answers with Kevin Fenton
Kevin Fenton is the author of the new book, Disconnecting The Dots: How 9/11 Was Allowed To Happen. In this exclusive interview for 9/11 Truth News, Fenton talks about his work researching 9/11 and his thoughts on achieving accountability for the crimes of that day.
We're In a Lot of Trouble
Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye wrote a story that exposed a lie. If we ignore the easily documented lies, which incidentally help to give credibility to the idea that we were lied to about that day and need real justice and accountability, then we are doomed to fail as a cause. The 2,973 people that were brutally murdered that day, their family members, and the people of the world deserve better.