Michael Moore: "These secrets kill people"
Michael Moore, appearing on Countdown With Keith Olbermann, explained why he’d donated $20,000 of his own money towards Julian Assange’s bail fund. “These secrets that are kept, whether it’s gulf of Tonkin, whether it’s 9/11, how we got into the Iraq war. Those secrets… they kill people. They take lives. That’s why I’m a huge supporter of what WikiLeaks is doing.”
Olbermann: Fire Napolitano for 9/11 Comments
Judge Andrew Napolitano has taken his firebrand libertarian show, Freedom Watch, to the big leagues, anchoring the most expensive real estate on the Fox Business Network– and it took less than a month of free market values and government distrust for Keith Olbermann to be calling for his dismissal. The issue? Napolitano really doesn’t trust the government, whether it comes to taxes, social programs, or, uh, who was really behind 9/11.
Olbermann Slams Cheney and Bush for 9/11
“Madame, who in the hell do you think you’re talking to? The negligence, dereliction of duty and nonfeasance committed by your father and his puppet, the previous President, led directly to this country having to absorb a terrorist attack … Your father and Mr. Bush, Ms. Cheney, were utter failures whose track record on terrorism […]