10th Anniversary 9/11 Truth Hit Piece Roundup
With little regard for those family members of victims who question the official account of the 9/11 attacks, mainstream media news outlets have published over 30 inaccurate, derogatory, and stereotyping hit pieces in the 2 weeks leading up to the tenth anniversary of the attacks. Among the articles there are many common themes, sources, logical fallacies, and insults.
Paul Thompson on His Introduction To 9/11 Truth
“I first became deeply interested in 9/11 in May 2002, when a series of stories appeared suggesting that the Bush administration had received more warning before 9/11 than they had admitted. First, it was revealed that one month before 9/11, President Bush had received a memo entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Next, […]
Sibel Edmonds on Mass Media Ignoring The Cover Up
“If they were to hold real investigations–I’m not talking about this semi-investigation they’re holding under this “Joint Inquiry”–the pure show of the 9/11 Commission that has been getting the mass media’s attention. If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something […]
Robert Fisk: The Terror of Power and the Power of Terror
From the National Radio Project: Long time Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk knows the difference between real terror and rhetoric. He’s interviewed Osama Bin Laden 3 times, and been on the front lines with numerous armies – from the Syrians to the Israelis. On this edition, Robert Fisk speaks about the power of words in […]
The Court Jester and 9/11 Truth
Attacked by the Left. Attacked by the Right. Attacked by “edgy” political comedians for scant, confused laughs – with no discernible purpose other than to discourage and further isolate those seeking justice. No matter if their political affiliation is Coke, or whether they lean hard towards Pepsi, everyone in the corporate mainstream media can agree […]
Mainstream Media Boycott for 9/11 Justice
An activist group is calling for a complete boycott of corporate mainstream media, starting on the 9th anniversary of 9/11. According the group’s facebook page, “Mainstream media networks have barely touched the surface of what happened… Through their negligence, they have made a mockery of the unanswered questions held by the victims’ families, and greatly […]
Sara Robinson Targets 911 Truth And Gets Lost
Most of the “experts” promoting these theories are either celebrities (if Charlie Sheen believes that 9/11 was an inside job — well, then, it must be true!), or “experts” and “researchers” whose credentials don’t even hold up to the most basic scrutiny. Many of these popularizers received their lofty titles from “think tanks” or “institutes” […]