9/11 Not an “Intelligence Failure”
New video on the Real News Network demonstrates that the official line that the 9/11 attack was in part due to intelligence failures was in fact entirely false as the Bush Administration had numerous warnings prior to the attack.
Richard Clarke Is Being Too Nice to George Tenet
Did Tenet try to convert two members of al Qaeda to his team and fail, and then choose to keep quiet about it, despite his established habit of trying to “cover his ass”? Wouldn’t his ass have been better covered by sharing the information? And wouldn’t we all then be better off, in particular the million Iraqis and thousands of Americans and Afghans who’ve paid for this malfeasance with their lives? But what if, just as Obama’s actions make sense when we stop fantasizing about him being a liberal, Tenet’s actions make sense when we stop assuming his top priority was protecting the people of this country?
Intel Experts on the Ever-Changing bin Laden Death Script
Last weekend Boiling Frogs Post contacted several independent sources and experts, and asked them for their straight-forward take on the absurdity-filled and ever-changing Bin Laden Death story. I say independent, because they are. As you’ll see these veterans and sources come from all different walks of Intelligence-Law Enforcement-Military, and as far as political orientation goes, they fall into every single category-liberal, conservative, libertarian and none. I want to thank them all for honoring the request given to them on extremely short notice, and for being honest, direct, commonsensical, and in some cases realistically humorous.
9/11 CitizensWatch C-SPAN Press Conferences
In May 2003, at the very first hearing of the 9/11 Commission, Kyle Hence and John Judge formed 9/11 CitizensWatch. Their stated purpose was to, “act as a hub between independent researchers and the government’s 9/11 Commission to finally address the “unanswered questions” from 9/11.” As a group, they worked alongside the family members that […]
9/11 Justice and Accountability: Round Table Discussion
From Pump It Out Radio, an enlightening group discussion on 9/11 justice and accountability: Jeffrey Hill, Jon Gold, John Albanese and Nicholas Filippelli discuss strategies for 9/11 truth and the state of the movement. Topics include the brutalization of CIA veteran and peace activist Ray McGovern under the watch of Hillary Clinton and the controversy around the recent critique of David Ray Griffin’s fake phone calls theory. Listen or download here.
Clinton Ignores Brutalization of Ray McGovern
See Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech for full story.
Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her speech at George Washington University yesterday condemning governments that arrest protestors and do not allow free expression, 71-year-old Ray McGovern was grabbed from the audience in plain view of her by police and an unidentified official in plain clothes, brutalized and left bleeding in jail. She never paused speaking. When Secretary Clinton began her speech, Mr. McGovern remained standing silently in the audience and turned his back. Mr. McGovern, a veteran Army officer who also worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years, was wearing a Veterans for Peace t-shirt.