Taibbi: 9/11 Commission "Full of Holes"
April 1, 2011
In the second round of Jon Gold’s correspondence with Matt Taibbi, the Rolling Stone writer continues to agree that there are problems with the official 9/11 story. But Taibbi refuses to accept that those responsible for the lies that led to a global “War on Terror” should be held accountable.
Matt Taibbi: "Of course we've been lied to about 9/11"
March 23, 2011
Over the years, Matt Taibbi has written numerous insightful articles on topics like Wall Street, health care, the housing crisis and so on. But when it comes to 9/11, Taibbi has a big blind spot coupled with a mean streak. After his latest in a long string of hit pieces on 9/11 truth, Jon Gold challenged Taibbi to a debate. Here’s what happened.