Slashdot: "Wiki Editor Helps Reveal Pre-9/11 CIA Mistakes"
Slashdot, the hugely popular technology site with a long history of opposition to 9/11 truth topics, has reported on Kevin Fenton’s discovery of the identity of Richard Blee, the CIA manager in charge of the unit where agents deliberately withheld information about two 9/11 hijackers from the CIA.
Statement on the Delay in Releasing "Who Is Rich Blee?"
While producing our investigative podcast “Who Is Rich Blee?,” intended to be released on Sunday, our team managed to deduce the likely identities of two CIA employees at the heart of a notorious failure in the run up to the September 11th tragedy.
Savvy internet searches based on minimal background details helped us determine candidates for the two CIA employees. When the names were used by our interviewers repeatedly during interviews and never corrected by the interviewees, we began to feel more certain. Ironically, it was the response from CIA that provided final confirmation.
CIA Threatens "Who Is Rich Blee?" Journalists
The website is temporarily offline, featuring only this message:
“On Thursday, the CIA threatened the journalists behind Who Is Rich Blee? with possible federal prosecution if the investigative podcast is released in its current form.
We are delaying that release while we consult with others and weigh our options. A press statement with a more complete explanation will be made available at this site soon.”
9/11 Truth News Included in Facebook's Political Censorship
Facebook has apparently implemented a new political censorship regimen, under the rubric of fighting spam. Either that, or their spam filter is in drastic need of overhaul.
On Monday, August 15, 9/11 Truth News contributor Jon Gold received a message from facebook informing him that his ability to post content to any page other than his own had been disabled. When attempting to add supplemental information to Naomi Wolf’s posting of Jason Leopold’s Richard Clarke article, Gold was informed by a pop up message: