Detailed Warning Ignored By Bush Administration
In a new Showtime documentary set to air this month George Tenet claims that the Bush Administration had even more clear warning of the 9/11 attack than previous revealed and that they took action to prevent those warnings from being revealed or acted upon. Take with a grain of salt.
New NSA Documents: 9/11 "Attacks Were Imminent"
With a new release of more than 120 official intelligence documents concerning the 9/11 attacks it becomes even more clear that the Bush Administration had very strong cause to anticipate the 9/11 attacks. Documents included clearly suggests that the ‘attacks were imminent,’ calling into question claims by the Bush Administration that it had no advanced warning.
9/11 Warnings Revealed: CIA Reports Attack ‘Will Occur Soon’
In a scathing op-ed a New York Times writer reveals details of Presidential Daily Briefings before the 9/11 attacks that contained numerous, very specific warnings about an impending attack. The article reveals that the warnings were ignored and then after the attack suppressed by the Bush Administration from inclusion in the 9/11 Commission investigation and report.
Cynthia McKinney on Warnings And Possible Foreknowledge
“Now is the time for our elected officials to be held accountable. Now is the time for the media to be held accountable. Why aren’t the hard questions being asked. We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, delivered one such warning. Those engaged […]
Toward Justice
Our experiences and what we do with them shape and determine our trajectory. Often, they change us gradually; sometimes, they are immediately life altering. So much so that months, even years later, a thought, a song, even an aroma can transport us, abruptly, into the past. Some events are wonderful. Others are brutal. The phone […]