US Knew Where Osama Was Since 2005

The unredacted Guantanamo files show clearly that the trail to Abbottabad was known to the US intelligence services at least since 2005. The US President announced the killing of Osama bin Laden just as Wikileaks completed its publication of the Guantanamo files. Was it coincidence? If not, what was the connection?
Counterpunch: A Kinder, Gentler Hit Piece

The 9/11 conspiracy movement, seemingly the most hopeless of causes when it emerged years ago, is still nibbling at the edges of the mainstream. Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, a seasoned conspiracist on this issue, has appeared on “The Larry King Show” on CNN casting doubts on conventional 9/11 thinking. In December, truTV will air […]
Toward Justice

Our experiences and what we do with them shape and determine our trajectory. Often, they change us gradually; sometimes, they are immediately life altering. So much so that months, even years later, a thought, a song, even an aroma can transport us, abruptly, into the past. Some events are wonderful. Others are brutal. The phone […]