"Press For Truth" Nominated For People's Choice in Iowa
July 23, 2011
It got many votes but was beat out by a film from New Zealand called ‘This Way of Life’,” reported co-director Bonnie Schmidt at the conclusion of the Iowa Independent Film Festival, speaking about Press For Truth’s nomination in the Best Documentary category. The doc, directed by Ray Nowosielski, played the Clear Lake Arts Center […]
For 9/11 Skeptics in Iowa, Case Is Far From Settled
July 7, 2010
On Tuesday night, Sean Michalek drove from Victor to Adel for the monthly 911 Truth of Central Iowa meeting. The trek west took 105 minutes, but so what? Michalek, 64, would have driven nine hours to commune and commiserate with other Iowans who believe the official story of Sept. 11, 2001, is a big fat […]