Truth Action Anniversary Tribute
A tribute to Truth Action, the people who make it happen, who make it possible the 11th of every month.
International Actions of August 11
The Eleventh Day of Every Month: photos and video from around the world documenting the truth actions of August 11, 2010. The next eleventh action will fall on the ninth anniversary of 9/11. If you don’t have something planned already, consider meeting Truth Action Ottawa’s 911 on 9/11 challenge.
The 911 on 9/11 Campaign – Truth Action Ottawa
The ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attack is nearly upon us. It’s safe to assume that a huge number of truth activists will be in NYC for the 10th anniversary, so let’s make the ninth anniversary a big one in our home communities. Truth Action Ottawa is producing nine hundred and eleven fliers and DVDs […]
Truth Action in New Zealand
Eleventh of the Month truth action report from Wellington, New Zealand: Wellington civil information actions for 9/11 truth and justice took place this month at Cuba Mall in Wellington’s shopping district on a busy Saturday afternoon. After a week of southerly storms, the weather turned out to be just fine, sunny and no wind. This […]
Truth Action Barcelona
Report in spanish here First of all, much respect to all groups taking part, you are a true inspiration! Here’s our report from Barcelona, Spain: We were 4 dedicated soldiers, armed with about 500 flyers, DVDs, and what is turning out our best weapon: an information panel that you can see in the pictures. Our […]