Jon Gold Interviews Scott Ford at Ground Zero
Scott Ford is one of the editors of 9/11 Truth News and has designed websites for Cindy Sheehan’s Peace of the Action, Sibel Edmond’s Boiling Frogs Post and Visibility 9-11. Jon Gold interviewed Scott at Ground Zero in New York City on July 30, 2011.
An Interview with 9/11 Family Member Bob McIlvaine

Bob McIlvaine has been one of the most outspoken 9/11 family members with regards to seeking truth, accountability, and justice for what happened that day. He is one of the family members that attended every 9/11 Commission hearing and has attended numerous 9/11 truth conferences around the world. He has appeared in several TV, radio and newspaper interviews, as well as the documentary 9/11 Press For Truth. Listen to this in-depth interview with Bob by John Bursill for Visibility 9/11.
An Interview with Australian Union President Kevin Bracken

Visibility 9/11 Welcomes Australian Union President Kevin Bracken – A True Working Class Hero! Interview by John Bursill. Listen here. To many, the name Kevin Bracken is a new one in regards to 9/11 Truth. The reality is that Kevin has been a champion of the 9/11 Truth cause since 2006 by disseminating information throughout […]
Dr Robert Bowman on Visibility 9/11

Interview by John Bursill Visibility 9-11 welcomes for the first time a tireless campaigner for peace, justice and liberty for the American People, hero and patriot Bob Bowman. In my opinion and from what Bob has achieved on shoe string budget over the last six years, it is fair to say he would have in […]