An Interview with 9/11 Family Member Bob McIlvaine
In this in depth interview with tireless 9/11 Truth campaigner Bob McIlvaine, we look at 9/11 in its historical context. We also hear about Bob’s detailed research into what happened to his son Bobby on 9/11 and the evidence that an explosion other than from the planes killed his son.
As a long term 9/11 truth researcher, a former history teacher and someone who has worked in mental health, Bob has a unique perspective on society and its drives. In this interview Bob gives us an insight into how he sees the world and its workings and why 9/11 truth should be seen as possibly the best chance we have at bringing peace to our world. Bob believes that we may have already been successful at preventing other wars with our exposure of the 9/11 fraud; I totally agree.
Bob says he is “always ready to go!” when he is called to speak about the 9/11 tragedy and uses every opportunity to educate the population about the lies they have been told and to celebrate his son’s short but exceptional life. Thank you Bob for your tenacity, drive and absolute commitment to expose the criminals responsible for your son’s death and all those that perished on that terrible day. You are a great inspiration for us all!
About Bob: Bob McIlvaine is the father of Bobby McIlvaine, a victim of the 9/11 attacks. Bobby graduated from Princeton University and managed to get a job at Merrill Lynch as Assistant Vice President For Media Relations. He was also engaged to be married in 2002. On September 11, 2001, Bobby was on his way to a banking conference on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center North Tower and was killed as a result of what happened that day. From the evidence that Bob has gathered it is apparent he was killed by an explosion, likely in the lobby. Bob has been one of the most outspoken 9/11 family members with regards to seeking truth, accountability, and justice for what happened that day. He is one of the family members that attended every 9/11 Commission hearing and has attended numerous 9/11 truth conferences around the world. He has appeared in several TV, radio and newspaper interviews, as well as the documentary 9/11: Press For Truth.
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