9/11 Attacks Spawned Big US Government
WASHINGTON: The September 11 terrorist attack on the United States have spawned a huge US government bureaucracy, the exact size of which is unknown even by its creators, the Washington Post reported Monday.
The newspaper’s investigation found that nine years after the tragedy, the bureaucracy has become “so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”
See also:
“Top Secret America” Washington Post Investigation Reveals Massive, Unmanageable, Outsourced US Intelligence System
Democracy Now, Tues, Jul 20, 2010
America’s secret army: how the ‘war on terror’ created a new industry
The Guardian, Mon Jul 19, 2010
Since 9/11, US intelligence numbers have gone through the roof – and the budget is three times as high
Shadow government
Daily Kos, Mon Jul 19, 2010
Commentary on the Washington Post stories
A hidden world, growing beyond control
The Washington Post, Mon Jul 19, 2010
Part 1 of the series, Top Secret America, a Washington Post Investigation
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