911blogger.com Accused of "Working for the Other Side"
A small newspaper whose editors are apparently hardcore supporters of the discredited “flyover” theory have published an extreme hit piece attacking 911blogger.com – the most heavily trafficked 9/11 truth site – for allegedly censoring the theory.
The 9/11 truth movement is all too familiar with these kinds of attacks, but this all-out assault of lies and hypocrisy by the Washington DC-based Rock Creek Free Press must surely be a milestone in snitchjacketing.
911blogger.com front paged the article on their site, where it has been thoroughly deconstructed in the comments section. 9/11 whistleblower Kevin Ryan called the attack “ignominious” and challenged the newspaper to publish his rebuttal. One particularly piercing analysis of the Rock Creek hit piece is provided by Michiel de Boer aka SnowCrash.
Read ’em and weep: 911Blogger.com Accused: Is Leading 9/11 Truth Site Working For The Other Side?
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