Bolling: "Your BS is hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones"
Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano is drawing condemnation from colleague Eric Bolling for his belief that the government lied about the attacks on 9/11.
On the November 23 edition of The Alex Jones Show, Napolitano said that it’s “hard for me to believe that” World Trade Center building 7 “came down by itself” – a central tenet of 9/11 conspiracy theories – and claimed that “twenty years from now, people will look at 9/11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn’t possibly have been done the way the government told us.”
Napolitano’s remarks were posted on Bolling’s Facebook page, which prompted Bolling to respond to one commenter yesterday:
Bobby… I did research.. all the funerals I attended. The comforting of families of my co-workers and the fundraisers I did for the first responders. I watched the plane fly into my place of work… take this “truther” crap and shove it..
Bolling – whose Fox Business show airs after Napolitano’s – wrote a separate post about the topic this morning, in which referenced Napolitano and called 9/11 Trutherism “B.S.” that is “hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones & co-workers. Go elsewhere.” From Bolling’s November 26 Facebook post:
Judge is a very smart man & great friend.. on this, however, I know more than him, Geraldo, Alex Jones. I was one of a handful who had access to the site immediately after the terror attacks. I spent the next seven years there..feet from the burning rubble. I KNOW what happened. Radical Muslims killed my friends. NOT MY GOVT! Your B.S. is hurtful to those of us who lost loved ones & co-workers. Go elsewhere.
When Media Matters drew attention to Napolitano’s 9/11 Truth views, we noted that his position contrasts sharply with his Fox News colleagues, who have condemned 9/11 Truthers and those associated with them. Will other Fox Newsers like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Brian Kilmeade condemn Napolitano as they have with other truthers?
UPDATE: On his Facebook page this afternoon, Bolling now denies that he was attacking Napolitano. Bolling states that “the liberal media took my response to a comment here and tried (but failed) to make it look like an attack on The Judge.”
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I guess he missed the Building What? ad.
And the 2004 9/11 Truth Statement that had 50+ family members endorse it. And 9/11/2006 when Christina Kminek, Michelle Little, and Donna Marsh O’Connor called for a new investigation at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. And February 2008, when the September Eleventh Advocates (the “Jersey Girls”) called for a new investigation. And the latter part of 2009 when we had 100+ family members sign onto the NY Ballot Initiative.
>>Will other Fox Newsers like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Brian Kilmeade condemn Napolitano as they have with other truthers?
Would be interesting if they don’t, and I wouldn’t be that surprised. Could it be that Building 7 is becoming a wedge issue to expose the Left and its media as obvious liars, that doing that is important enough that the Right-wing is willing to take the fallout?
They want to get Palin in for 2012. They are single-mindedly focused on getting Obama out and destroying the credibility of anything “government”. They are being pushed to the edges by the Tea Party. This seems to fit. Apparently they will eat their own — if this were taken to it’s logical conclusion, in the long run, Bush/Cheney would be hauled into court. And I doubt these guys would care.