Dick Gregory Joins Forces with AE911Truth
Many people know Dick Gregory as a luminary of the American civil rights movement, who partnered with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other activists to promote racial equality and an end to the Vietnam War. Others recognize him as a popular comedian, whose humorous acts have earned him international renown. Gregory has been lauded by presidents and honored by Hollywood over his distinguished and diverse career… but he has set all of those accolades aside to support the work of the 9/11 truth movement – and specifically the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. We recently caught up with him to discuss the impact of this potentially historic alliance.
For Gregory, awareness of the logical fallacies behind the official 9/11 story came early. “I was suspicious of 9/11 from day one,” Gregory recalled. “The way the Twin Towers and Building 7 fell just didn’t make any sense.”
Over the years, Gregory has independently researched the anomalies that contradict the official explanation of the WTC catastrophe, but he was not aware of a group of technical professionals that could confirm his suspicions. That changed on September 9, 2010, when he attended the press conference held by AE911Truth at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Gregory sat in astonishment as Gage and other experts described the compelling case for controlled demolition.
“I was so amazed, because I had never seen the scientific evidence put together like that,” Gregory said.
Motivated by the work of AE911Truth, Gregory announced to the guests and media in attendance that he would be embarking on a two-year solid food fast for 9/11 Truth. “It was such a blessing to see you all take a stand that day,” Gregory explained, “and I wanted to add positive energy to your effort.”
Gregory’s declaration was so moving that Gage was overwhelmed with gratitude. “I was deeply humbled and honored to have a civil rights icon like Dick Gregory support AE911Truth directly and with such a strong statement of action,” Gage said afterward.
Those who may be concerned about the health effects of Gregory’s decision need not worry. As a vegetarian and nutritionist, he has maintained a minimalist diet for decades and performed hunger strikes for other controversial issues. When asked what his doctor thought about the fast, Gregory replied, “He’s been dead for 30 years.” We hope that his sense of humor follows him into the 9/11 activist work. We need it.
A few days later, on September 11, Gregory followed up by moderating a panel discussion in the “How the World Changed after 9/11” seminar in New York City, and since then, the response he has received from friends and colleagues has been tremendous.
“People have told me that they knew something was wrong with the official 9/11 story, but they didn’t know what to do,” he said. “Now they feel empowered by my decision to fast for 9/11 Truth.”
Even though Gregory has been a peaceful crusader for many causes, he believes the technical focus that AE911Truth has maintained will allow it to withstand the scrutiny and condemnation that has frustrated other activist groups. “The difference here is that mathematics is the same throughout the world,” Gregory said. “When architects and engineers see your research, it will make sense to them. Now those who feel inspired to share the truth with others have talking points that are backed by hard science and expert analysis.”
Gregory also sees potential in bringing the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD to places of worship. “The churches of America are a strong force,” he explained, “and if we reach out to them with this kind of information, it will make a big difference.”
The continued collaboration between AE911Truth and Dick Gregory is expected to yield positive results in the near future. “We look forward to working with Dick on some important outreach projects in 2011,” Gage revealed.
Gregory expressed a similar optimism about the potential effect of upcoming events: “I hope my endeavors will bring greater visibility to AE911Truth and the explosive evidence that so many have yet to see.”
By stepping forward and taking decisive action in his own unique way, Gregory has reminded us that there are a variety of paths anyone can take to contribute to the push for an independent 9/11 investigation. Whether this means volunteering, distributing brochures, becoming a sustaining supporter of AE911Truth, or making personal sacrifices as an example to others, we all have the opportunity to create a distinctive impact. Just as it took thousands of workers with different skills to construct the WTC skyscrapers, it will take the combined efforts of prominent individuals and average citizens to awaken our fellow citizens to the truth about what really brought those buildings down – and secure justice for all of us that are so deeply affected.
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This is very good news. Dick Gregory is like Gandhi or Mandela – both his political and his moral record are long and impeccable. He can lead our movement in non-violent actions.