Gawker Trashes "Truthers"
Reporting on Jon Stewart’s executive producer Rory Albanese being arrested after punching a We Are Change activist in the face, trendy celebrity gossip site Gawker refers to the punched activist as a “typical Truther asshole”. The rest of the entry is the usual insipid hate-inspiring trash you might expect from such an uninformed source, with commenters joining in with the likes of “I think it should be completely legal to punch or otherwise assault a 9/11 Truther. And I’m not joking.”
Gawker exhibits a hint of a clue when it points out that the incident has been completely unreported in the media: “Pretty amazing, especially given the easy joke to be made by juxtaposing Albanese’s arrest with Jon Stewart’s huge rally calling on everyone to be nice to each other.” Indeed. It should be noted that WAC’s ham-fisted confrontation of Stewart and company was met with heavy criticism from many in the 9/11 truth movement. Has sanity been restored yet?
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