Two 9/11 truth calls to Alan Colmes
Category: BLOG
Here are two calls to radio host Alan Colmes from two different people advocating 9/11 truth. One is effective, one not so much. One caller is greeted with “you’re a nut” while the other is responded to with “thank you”. It’s an interesting contrast and kdub, the second caller, makes some good points.
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Thanks for posting this, cosmos. I see this clip as a good basic study in both approach and use of language in a call-in radio session like this (which I will admit I’ve never attempted), but also just general face to face discussions or written communications re: 9/11 Truth topics. The first caller didn’t get anywhere, the second caller does get some jabs out (regarding Colmes stating his own opinion, and playing games), but in attempting to make his point the caller was trying to lay out a scenario that was much too complicated for this format, far too speculative; he was confrontational, too, and in approaching his call in this manner was opening himself up to being shut down from the first. The last caller was calm, firm, confident, factual, articulate, to-the-point, and non-confrontational. I’d guess he’d thought out his main points (smoothing his way in by “thanking” Colmes, and “apologizing” may have bought him a few seconds of in-road into his talk), and he went straight to the unarguable heart, that there are a lot of serious Truth advocates who have serious questions, and “even” family members …are calling for a new investigation …about things like the military stand-down in a very unprecedented fashion on that day,” useful tidbits for listeners to know — tidbits are all listeners are going to get on a show like this. The last caller never got himself into a position where Colmes could shoot him down or begin to belittle him or argue (instead Colmes was backed into a little corner where he had to grit the back of his teeth and swallow out that “thank you.”)
When I was doing the calls to the NYC Council members et al earlier this year, I eventually worked up a little “elevator” talk. After listening to this clip, I’m thinking that would be a great approach to take with all my discussions with skeptics about 9/11. Several factual bullet points, practiced til they’re smooth, nothing speculative. And having it short enough that I won’t veer (or be veered) off point. The big talks can come later.