John Pilger: "9/11 Requires More Investigation"
On May 13th, during a Q & A following a screening of ‘The War You Don’t See’ at London’s Frontline Club, the following exchange occured:
Emily Louise Church: Hi, I’m a big fan of yours. You said at the end of the film that we should always question the official story. Do you think that things like that also apply to the issue of 9/11? Because what we’ve basically seen in the media is everyone carrying on with the official story, and not even questioning slightly what they say, even though there are gaping holes in it. If you read something like the 9/11 Commission report, which I’m reading currently, it’s so very clear to see that there are so many gaping holes. And the media have completely wiped over it and not questioned it at all when there are thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people all over this world who do actually doubt it and they are labelled as conspiracy theorists. I just wanted to know your opinions on that.
John Pilger: [inaudible] that’s one of the difficulties but it’s not a proper answer to your question. In fact, it’s part of the answer that I say to anybody who asks about 9/11, do read the Kean Report, the official report, that’s all you need to read, er… and that’s, as you say, full of so many omissions and so frustrated in being denied information… Ah that’s a long way from saying Mr Bush and Mr Cheney arranged the whole thing, blew up buildings. No it isn’t but ah… certainly I don’t think there has been… um… I don’t think there has been the kind of concerted questioning of really salient points about 9/11 that there ought to be. One of the reasons that I believe that 9/11 happened and then things then followed in very very quick time, and Iraq and Afghanistan were brought in the frame, this sense of shock consumed er… journalism, politics in this country and in the United States and so on. And unfortunately the genuine conspiracy theorists have then made it quite difficult, I don’t blame them entirely but they’ve made it quite difficult for an open debate about 9/11. I have to say at public meetings in the United States when I speak, I’ll always get 2 or 3 on 9/11, and they are deeply conspiratorial so it’s very difficult to work with. There’s so much about 9/11 that I don’t think we’ve got the time to talk about right here, but it is something that requires more investigation, of course.
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What doesn’t he believe?
“that’s a long way from saying Mr Bush and Mr Cheney arranged the whole thing, blew up buildings.”
He doesn’t say anything about whether he believes that or not.
He’s pointing out the difference between asking reasonable questions and making prematurely conclusive statements.
I’m always a fan of people suggesting that George W. Bush “did” 9/11.
Sounds like a thriller half-heartedly starring Bush himself. The kind of B-movie where a celebrity tries to act and just ends up looking into the camera too much. The over-extended cameo.
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