Paul Thompson on His Introduction To 9/11 Truth
“I first became deeply interested in 9/11 in May 2002, when a series of stories appeared suggesting that the Bush administration had received more warning before 9/11 than they had admitted. First, it was revealed that one month before 9/11, President Bush had received a memo entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Next, FBI agent Coleen Rowley divulged that here Minnesota FBI units attempt to obtain a search warrant a few weeks before 9/11 for the information on the computer of suspicious flight school student Zacarias Moussaoui was rebuffed by FBI headquarters. Finally, when FBI agent Ken Williams’s July 2001 memo–which had suggested that terrorist might be training in U.S. flights–surfaced, I began to wonder just how much the Bush administration had known before-hand, and just how fully and accurately the media had reported this story.”
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