New Document Supports Mineta's Testimony on Cheney
John Farmer just posted a document from the 9/11 Commission files that strongly supports Norman Mineta’s public testimony before the 9/11 Commission. The link is here.
The document is a Secret Service log from 9/11, and confirms that the Secret Service was tracking American Airlines flight 77 as it approached Washington on September 11, 2001.
Farmer, who pursued the FOIA request for the 9/11 RADES radar data (released in October 2007) explains in his post that the radar data from 9/11 agrees perfectly with the Secret Service timeline. Farmer has the 9/11 radar data in his computer and has made it available to other 9/11 researchers.
The document was first made made public in January 2009 by NARA, along with many other 9/11 Commission files. Erik Larson posted it to Scrib in April 2009, where it may be downloaded here.
However, at the time, Erik overlooked the document’s importance. Amazingly, it escaped notice for many months.
It may also be downloaded here (an easier download).
I have just received confirmation that the handwriting is actually that of 9/11 Commission staffer Miles Kara, who was granted access to the original Secret Service documents during the commission’s official investigation. Kara was not allowed to remove the SS document, however, so he copied it long-hand.
Notice, this means that the 9/11 Commission had this information but chose to bury it, Why? Maybe to cover up for VP Dick Cheney? If someone has a better explanation, I’d like to hear it.
I should mention, based in emails, that Miles Kara believes that Mineta arrived at the White House much later, and mistook United Airlines Flight 93 in coast track mode for AA 77. Kara also thinks that the Secret Service did not move Cheney to the White House basement until around 9:37 AM. I do not agree with Kara’s timeline. In 2002, Karl Rove told MSNBC that immediately after GW Bush left the Florida classroom (i.e, at 9:16 AM) he attempted to reach Cheney by telephone, but could not because Cheney was at that moment being hustled to safety. Rove’s timeline concurs with that of Richard A. Clarke (Against All enemies, p.2-5.) Clarke also has Mineta arriving at the White House sometime between 9:20 – 9:28 AM.
It is ironic that Farmer elected to post the document on the RANDI site – of all places – in the Lion’s Den. From what I have heard, there has been a lot of gnashing of teeth over there, since it went up. In my view, it’s about time that the RANDI cynics were made to eat their own ridicule. May they chow down and be transformed.
For those who need a refresher, here is Mineta’s testimony:
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