Irish Songwriter Jim Corr Believes 9/11 Was Staged
Jim Corr, known worldwide as the musicians and songwriter behind middle of the road Irish pop act The Corrs, has found a new – and some might argue rather paranoiac – calling.
These days Corr is speaking out about what he calls “the end of a once great nation.” The nation he’s referring to is the United States.
Speaking to the Irish press this week, the 46-year-old said: “I’ll be presenting information to the public that I believe is being suppressed by the mainstream media in relation to 9/11 and the engineered financial crash.” …
“When I was first confronted with this information I thought it was crazy as well but out of curiosity I looked some of it up and once I kept studying it I found it quite amazing that what I was being told was backed up by quotes from various people in power and that reinforced for me what I had been told.
Referring to discoveries made at Ground Zero after the attack, Corr added: “I get my information from highly qualified architects, engineers and professors and they tell me that nano-thermites were found in the dust at 9/11 and there is no other explanation for them to be there unless it was a controlled demolition.”
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